Chuck's Academy

Conflict Resolution in Git

Continuous Integration and Conflict Resolution

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that requires developers to integrate their work frequently, at least once a day. Each integration is verified by an automated build and tests to detect errors and conflicts as early as possible. In this chapter, we will explore how CI can help manage and resolve conflicts in Git effectively.

Benefits of Continuous Integration for Conflict Resolution

  1. Early Conflict Detection: CI allows for the detection of conflicts as soon as they occur, making immediate resolution easier.
  2. Automation of Repetitive Tasks: With CI, tasks such as building, running tests, and deployment are automated, allowing developers to focus on conflict resolution when they occur.
  3. Fast Feedback: CI systems provide immediate feedback on the state of integration, helping developers to identify and fix problems quickly.

CI Setup

Example with GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD tool that allows automating workflows directly from the GitHub repository. Here is how to set up a basic workflow to run tests and check for conflicts:

  1. Create a Workflow File:

    In the .github/workflows directory, create a ci.yml file with the following content:

  2. Workflow Actions:

    • Checkout: Downloads the repository code.
    • Set up Node.js: Configures the environment with the Node.js version.
    • Install dependencies: Installs project dependencies.
    • Run tests: Runs the project tests.

    This workflow will run on every push to the main and feature/* branches, as well as on pull requests (PR) directed to main.

Examples of Using CI to Resolve Conflicts

Resolve Conflicts in Pull Requests

When a PR is opened and there is a conflict, GitHub will automatically notify about the conflicts. Here is a typical workflow to handle conflicts in a PR:

  1. Create the PR: Once you finish a feature in the feature/new-feature branch, open a PR to main.

  2. Detect Conflicts: GitHub will show a message indicating there are conflicts with the base branch if there are any.

  3. Resolve Conflicts Locally: On your local machine, sync the branch and resolve the conflict:

  4. Update the PR: The local sync and conflict resolution will automatically update the PR on GitHub. It can now be reviewed and merged without conflicts.

Using Other CI Tools


Jenkins is a highly configurable open-source CI tool. Here is how to set up a Jenkins job that builds and tests your project.

  1. Install Jenkins: Follow the official documentation to install Jenkins on your server.

  2. Configure a Job:

    • Freestyle Project: Set up a new project.
    • Source Code Management: Set up your Git repository URL.
  3. Build and Test: Add build steps to install dependencies and run tests:

  4. Webhook: Set up a webhook in your repository for Jenkins to trigger the build on each push.

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Best Practices for CI and Conflict Resolution

  1. Daily Integrations: Encourage daily integrations to detect and resolve conflicts more quickly.

  2. Continuous Feedback: Ensure continuous notifications and feedback from the CI system to stay aware of any conflicts or errors.

  3. Exhaustive Testing: Set up exhaustive tests and automated trials that run on each integration to ensure the code continues to work correctly.

  4. Testing Environments: Use test environments similar to production to run your CI/CD pipelines. This helps identify issues that might not appear in local development environments.

By implementing CI into your workflow, you can minimize and manage conflicts more effectively, speeding up development and improving code quality.

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