Chuck's Academy

Git Hooks and Automation

Configuring Git Hooks in Local Repositories

In this section, we will learn how to configure and customize Git Hooks in local repositories. Setting up these hooks can be straightforward, but it requires attention to detail to ensure they work as expected.

Location of Git Hooks

Git Hooks are found in the .git/hooks directory within your local repository. When you initialize a new repository, Git provides sample hook scripts that are disabled by default and have the .sample extension.


To activate a hook, simply rename the file, removing the .sample extension.


Now the pre-commit hook is active and ready to be customized.

Customizing Git Hooks

You can customize hooks using any scripting language supported by your environment, although shell scripts (Bash) are commonly used.

Customization Example: pre-commit Hook

Let's say you want to ensure there are no temporary or backup files (like those generated by text editors) in your commits. You can customize the pre-commit hook to perform this check.

  1. Open the .git/hooks/pre-commit file in your favorite text editor.

  2. Add the following script:

  3. Make the script executable:


[Placeholder for image: Screenshot of the above code in a text editor, showing the pre-commit hook script]

This script checks for files with names ending in ~ (a common pattern for backup files) and if found, rejects the commit with an error message.

Sharing Hooks in a Team

If you are working in a team, it is important that all members use the same set of hooks. Unfortunately, Git does not allow hooks to be stored directly in the repository. However, you can use strategies like Git submodules or external tools to distribute the hooks.

Strategy 1: Git Submodules

A Git submodule can include the hook scripts in a shared directory within the repository.

  1. Create a submodule for the hooks:

  2. Create a script in the .git/hooks directory that links to the shared hooks:

  3. Make the script executable:


Strategy 2: External Tools

There are various external tools like pre-commit that facilitate the management and distribution of hooks within a team.

  1. Install the pre-commit tool:

  2. Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml configuration file at the root of the repository:

  3. Install the hooks:


In the upcoming chapters, we will delve into client-side and server-side hooks individually, offering practical examples for each. This knowledge will enable you to implement more effective and customized automation in your workflows.

Let’s continue to the next section!

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