Chuck's Academy

Security in Node

Application Hardening

Application Hardening

Application hardening involves implementing techniques and configurations that increase its resistance to attacks and vulnerabilities. Below are some essential strategies to strengthen your Node.js application.

HTTP Headers Security

Use the helmet package to automatically configure secure HTTP headers.





helmet will configure headers like Content-Security-Policy, X-Frame-Options, X-XSS-Protection, among others, protecting your application against various common attacks.

Content Security Policy (CSP)

CSP helps prevent XSS attacks by restricting the sources from which the browser can load resources.

CSP Configuration Example


Disable Unnecessary Features

Disable features that are not necessary to reduce the attack surface.

Example: Disable ETag

ETags can reveal sensitive information about the server implementation.


Session Management

Protect user sessions by setting secure cookies and configuring strict policies.

Session Configuration Example


JWT Best Practices

For applications using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), follow best practices for their secure handling.

JWT Creation and Verification Example


Limit Payload Size

Set limits on payload size to prevent Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.

Configuration Example


Protection Against Denial of Service (DoS)

Use the express-rate-limit package to limit the number of requests an IP can make in a given timeframe.

Installation and Configuration


Vulnerability Scanning and Remediation

Use vulnerability scanning and remediation tools like snyk to identify and fix security issues.





[Placeholder for an image showing the output of a security test performed by snyk]


Hardening your Node.js application is an ongoing task that requires attention to detail and the use of multiple techniques to mitigate risks. Implement these practices and regularly review your application to ensure it remains protected against new threats. In the next topic, we will discuss the course conclusion and the steps to follow to continue improving the security of your Node.js applications.

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