Chuck's Academy

Animations in CSS

CSS Transitions

CSS transitions allow changes in CSS properties to occur smoothly and gradually rather than instantaneously. This behavior adds a layer of dynamism to web page elements, enhancing the user experience.

What is a CSS Transition?

A CSS transition defines how and when a CSS property should change from one state to another. They are applied using the transition property, specifying the property to change, the duration, the timing function, and optionally, the delay.

Transition Properties

These are the fundamental properties used to define a transition:

  1. transition-property: Specifies the property/properties to which the transition will be applied.
  2. transition-duration: Defines how long the transition should take.
  3. transition-timing-function: Specifies the speed curve of the transition (default is ease).
  4. transition-delay: Defines the time to wait before starting the transition.

Basic Example

Let's apply a simple transition by changing the background color of a button when hovered over:


In this example, the button changes its background color from blue to green when the user hovers over it. The transition takes 0.3 seconds and uses the ease-in-out timing function.

Applying Transitions to Multiple Properties

It is possible to apply transitions to multiple properties simultaneously:


This allows multiple property changes to occur in sync, offering a more cohesive effect.

Complex Example

Below is an example of a transition that combines multiple properties:


In this example, when the user hovers over the box, its background color changes to purple and it rotates 45 degrees. Both properties change in sync over 0.3 seconds.

[Placeholder for image: Visual example showing the transition of a button changing color on hover and a box that rotates]

Best Practices

  1. Use Transitions to Enhance UX: Transitions should be subtle and not distract the user.
  2. Limit Long Transitions: Very long transitions can make the interface feel slow and unresponsive.
  3. Test on Different Devices: Ensure transitions work well on both mobile and desktop devices.

With this knowledge about CSS transitions, you can start adding dynamic effects to your HTML elements. In the next section, we will explore the transition properties in more detail.

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