Chuck's Academy

Animations in CSS

Syntax of @keyframes

The @keyframes rule in CSS allows you to define detailed animations by specifying the styles that should apply at different key points of the animation. Understanding the syntax of @keyframes is fundamental for creating precise and customized animations.

Definition of @keyframes

The @keyframes rule is used to define a sequence of styles that should be applied over time. The basic syntax consists of a name for the animation and a series of style blocks associated with the animation's progress percentages.

Basic Syntax


Using Percentages

You can define intermediate points in the animation by specifying percentages:


Animation Properties

These are the main properties used alongside @keyframes to control how animations are executed:

  1. animation-name: The name of the animation defined by @keyframes.

  2. animation-duration: The total duration of the animation.

  3. animation-timing-function: Describes how the animation speed is distributed over its duration.

  4. animation-delay: Defines the delay before the animation starts.

  5. animation-iteration-count: The number of times the animation should repeat.

  6. animation-direction: Defines the direction in which the animation runs.

  7. animation-fill-mode: Defines how the animation styles are applied before and after its execution.

  8. animation-play-state: Allows you to pause and resume the animation.


Detailed Example with @keyframes

Let's create a complex animation that combines several properties:


In this example, the complexChange animation makes the .box element change color, move along the X-axis, scale, rotate, and change opacity over 5 seconds, repeating indefinitely.

Controlling the Direction and Starting Point of the Animation

The animation-direction property controls the direction in which the animation runs, and animation-fill-mode defines how styles are applied before and after the animation.

Animation Direction (animation-direction)

  • normal: The animation runs in the normal direction.
  • reverse: The animation runs in reverse.
  • alternate: Alternates between the normal and reverse direction.
  • alternate-reverse: Alternates starting in the reverse direction.

Fill Mode (animation-fill-mode)

  • none: By default, the animation styles do not apply outside the runtime.
  • forwards: The styles of the last frame are preserved after the animation.
  • backwards: The styles of the first frame are applied before the animation.
  • both: Combines forwards and backwards.

Pausing and Resuming Animations

The animation-play-state property allows you to pause and resume animations.

  • running: The animation is running.
  • paused: The animation is paused.

[Placeholder for image: Visual example showing a box changing color, moving, rotating, scaling, and changing opacity at various stages, illustrating the use of @keyframes and other animation properties]

Best Practices

  1. Divide and Conquer: For complex animations, break the changes into several keyframes for more granular control.
  2. Check Performance: Complex animations can affect performance. Test on different devices.
  3. Use Developer Tools: Utilize browser developer tools to debug and fine-tune your animations.

With a detailed understanding of @keyframes syntax, you can create complex and highly customized animations that significantly enhance the interactivity and visual appeal of your web projects. In the next section, we'll explore animation properties in detail to further refine your skills.

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