Chuck's Academy

CSS Selectors

Basic Selectors

When we start designing and developing websites, one of the first tools we need to master are CSS selectors. These selectors are essential because they allow us to direct our styles to specific elements on the page without altering others. Imagine you want to change the text color of all paragraphs in your blog to improve readability; this is where type selectors come into play.

Type Selector

Type selectors are probably the easiest to understand. They simply select all elements of that type in the document. For example, if we want all paragraphs in our blog to have navy blue text color and a font size of 16px, we would use:

Type Selector Example

Class Selector

Now, let's say you have some paragraphs or elements that you want to highlight from the rest. This is where class selectors shine. By assigning a class to these elements, you can apply specific styles that do not affect other elements of the same type.

Class Selector Example

ID Selector

Finally, what if there's a very specific element on your page that requires a unique style? Here we use the ID selector, which is perfect for when you need a completely unique style for a single element, such as a main header.

ID Selector Example


Understanding and correctly using type, class, and ID selectors is crucial for any web project. They allow us to apply styles precisely and efficiently, avoiding repetition and keeping our code clean and organized. As we move forward, we will see how these basic selectors are complemented by more advanced selectors to offer even more control over the design of our websites.

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