Chuck's Academy

HTML5 Drag & Drop API

Handling Drag Events

In the previous chapters, we enabled draggable elements and set up the dragstart event to initiate the interaction. Now we will explore the events that form the complete cycle of the drag and drop process, including drag, dragover, drop, and dragend. These events allow us to manage each stage of the interaction precisely.

The Drag and Drop Event Cycle

The Drag and Drop API cycle consists of several key events:

  • dragstart: Occurs when an element starts to be dragged. Here, data transfer is initialized.
  • drag: Activated while the element is being dragged.
  • dragover: Occurs while the dragged element is over a valid drop zone.
  • drop: Triggered when the element is dropped in a valid zone.
  • dragend: Marks the end of the drag process, whether the element is dropped or not.

Handling the drag Event

The drag event runs continuously while the user drags an element. This event can be useful for updating information in real-time.

Example of Using the drag Event

"In this example, the drag event logs the mouse position in real-time while the element is being dragged, providing useful information for dynamic interactions."

Allowing Drop: The dragover Event

For an element to be dropped in a drop zone, it is necessary to handle the dragover event and call the event.preventDefault() method. This indicates that the zone is ready to receive the element.

Setting Up the dragover Event

"This code snippet handles the dragover event, ensuring that the drop zone accepts draggable elements by preventing the browser's default behavior."

Dropping an Element: The drop Event

The drop event is triggered when an element is dropped in a valid zone. This is the moment we can retrieve the transferred data and process the action.

Retrieving Data with drop

"The drop event retrieves the data stored in the dataTransfer object using getData. It then updates the drop zone with the transferred content."

Ending the Cycle: The dragend Event

The dragend event is triggered at the end of the drag operation, regardless of whether the element was dropped or not. It is useful for cleaning up styles or temporary resources.

Using the dragend Event

"The dragend event is used to execute actions at the end of the drag process, such as cleaning styles or logging information to the console."

Practical Exercise

Implement a page where:

  • Elements are dragged and log their position in real-time.
  • A drop zone validates the dragover event and displays a message when the element is dropped.
  • The dragend event cleans up any temporary styles applied to the element.


In this chapter, we explored the main events of the Drag and Drop API and how to handle them to create dynamic interactions. Now you can manage the entire lifecycle of a dragged element, from start to finish.

In the next chapter, we will learn how to define specific drop zones and validate them to accept only certain types of elements. Join us as we continue to build more advanced functionalities!

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