Chuck's Academy


Building a Complete SVG Animation

In this final chapter, we will apply all the concepts learned in the previous chapters to build a complete interactive animation in SVG. This project will serve as a practical example of how to combine shapes, transformations, styles, animations, and JavaScript to create a dynamic and attractive SVG graphic.

Project Description

We will create an animated scene where a circle represents a moving object that loops around a predetermined path. Clicking on the circle will change its color, and the animation will pause or resume depending on its current state. This project will use SVG, SMIL, CSS, and JavaScript to implement the various aspects of animation and interactivity.

Step 1: Base Structure of the SVG

Let's begin by creating the SVG structure and drawing a path for the circle to follow. To simplify, we'll use a curve for the circle's trajectory.

"This code defines an SVG with a curve-shaped path that the circle will follow. The circle has a radius of 10 pixels and uses animateMotion to move along the path defined in the path element."

Here, the <path> defines the route, and the <circle> follows this path via <animateMotion>. The animation will repeat indefinitely, moving the circle in a loop.

Step 2: Adding Styles with CSS

Now we will style the SVG so that the circle has a shadow and looks more attractive. We will also define a CSS class to change the color of the circle when clicked.

"In this CSS code, we style the SVG with a light yellow background. The circle has a default blue fill color, which changes to red when the clicked class is applied, and we add a shadow for depth."

The clicked class changes the color of the circle and adds a shadow. A smooth color transition is achieved with the transition property.

Step 3: Adding Interactivity with JavaScript

To make the animation interactive, we'll use JavaScript. We'll add a click event to the circle to pause or resume the animation and change its color.

"In this JavaScript code, we select the circle and its animation. Clicking on the circle pauses or resumes the animation. We also change the circle's color by applying and removing the clicked class based on the animation's state."

Here, the click event toggles between pausing and resuming the motion animation. The clicked class is applied to change the circle's color and shadow, visually indicating whether the animation is paused.

Step 4: Optimization and Customization

To finish, we can adjust the timings and add more elements if we wish to make the scene more complex. New elements can be added to the SVG and additional transformations and animations applied based on interest.


Congratulations! You have completed a project that combines multiple aspects of SVG, including SMIL animations, interactivity with JavaScript, and CSS styles. This final project demonstrates how SVG can be a powerful and versatile tool for creating interactive graphics and complex animations on the web.

We hope this course has provided you with a solid understanding of SVG and how you can use it to enhance your web development projects. Continue exploring and creating dynamic graphics with SVG!

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