Chuck's Academy


SVG Styling with CSS

In this chapter, we are going to learn how to apply styles to SVG elements using CSS. Using CSS in SVG allows for greater control over the visual appearance of graphics and helps make the design more dynamic and easy to maintain. We will explore how to change colors, apply opacities, add borders, and work with gradients.

Introduction to CSS in SVG

Just like in HTML, SVG elements can be styled using CSS. We can apply styles directly in the SVG file with inline styles or define external styles in CSS style sheets. Using CSS to style SVG makes the design more flexible and consistent, especially if we have multiple graphics that share similar styles.

Basic Example of Inline Styles

"In this SVG code, we define a rectangle with a blue fill and a black border of two pixels. These styles are applied directly as attributes in the rect element."

In this case, the fill, stroke, and stroke-width styles are applied directly to the <rect> element. Although this is an effective way to style SVG, it can become complicated when working with more complex graphics.

Applying Styles with External CSS Stylesheets

Using an external CSS stylesheet for SVG allows for defining styles in one place and applying them to multiple SVG elements. Below is an example of how CSS styling would be applied to an SVG file:

"In this SVG example, we add classes to a circle and a rectangle. In the external CSS file, we specify that the circle has an orange fill and a blue border of three pixels, while the rectangle has a light green fill and a dark green border of two pixels."

In this example, CSS classes are added to SVG elements, and styles are applied from an external stylesheet, allowing for more organized code.

Controlling Colors with fill and stroke

In SVG, colors are primarily applied through two properties: fill and stroke.

  • fill: Defines the fill color of a shape.
  • stroke: Defines the border color of a shape.

Example of fill and stroke

"Here we create an ellipse in SVG with a purple fill and a red border of four pixels thickness."

This example shows how the fill and stroke attributes allow customization of both the fill color and the border of an SVG shape.

Gradients in SVG

Gradients allow for smooth transitions between colors and can add visual depth to SVG graphics. There are two main types of gradients in SVG: linear and radial.

Linear Gradient

"This example defines a linear gradient that goes from blue to red. The rectangle in the SVG uses this gradient as its fill color."

Radial Gradient

"In this example, we define a radial gradient that goes from yellow at the center to green at the edge. We apply this gradient to a circle within the SVG."

Gradients are defined in the <defs> element and applied using fill="url(#gradient_id)".

Opacity and Transparency

Opacity in SVG can be controlled at the shape level or at the stroke and fill level. The opacity property affects the total opacity of the element, while fill-opacity and stroke-opacity control the transparency of just the fill or border.

"This SVG code contains two rectangles, both with partial opacity. The first rectangle has only the fill semi-transparent with a fill-opacity of 0.5, while the second rectangle has the whole opacity set to 50%."


Applying styles in SVG using CSS opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing the visual appearance of graphics. With properties like fill, stroke, opacity, and the use of gradients, we can make SVG graphics more attractive and customized. In the next chapter, we will learn about transformations in SVG, a key tool for precisely manipulating and positioning elements.

See you in the next chapter!

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