Chuck's Academy

Semantic HTML5

Structuring Content with Semantic Containers in HTML

As we create more complex web pages, organizing and structuring the content becomes crucial. Semantic containers, like <div>, <section>, <article>, and <aside>, help divide and organize the content in a logical and meaningful way. In this chapter, we will learn how to use these elements to build a well-defined and accessible structure.

<div>: Generic Container

Although <div> is not a semantic tag, it's a useful container for grouping elements when there is no suitable semantic tag. <div> is one of the most used elements in HTML due to its versatility, but it's important to remember that it should be used sparingly, with a preference for semantic containers whenever possible.

Example of using <div> to group content without a specific semantic purpose:

"This example uses the div tag as a generic container for a heading and a paragraph, without a specific semantic purpose. This can be useful for styling or structures, but it doesn't add meaning to the content."

<section>: Grouping Thematic Content

The <section> tag is an ideal semantic container for grouping related content within a page. By using <section>, we indicate to browsers and search engines that the grouped content has a common theme or specific purpose.

A good example is using <section> to create content blocks like “About Us”, “Services”, or “Testimonials”.

"Here we use the section tag to create a content block about the services offered. This provides context to the content and facilitates page organization and accessibility."

<article>: Standalone Content

The <article> tag is used to create content sections that make sense on their own and can be shared independently, like articles, blog posts, or news entries. This semantic container helps search engines and assistive technologies identify the content as standalone.

Example of an <article> on a news or blog page:

"In this snippet, the article tag contains a header with the title and publication date, followed by the main content. This makes the article easy to identify and consume independently."

<aside>: Related or Complementary Content

The <aside> tag is used for content that complements the main content but is not part of it. <aside> is commonly used for sidebars, blocks of related links, or any additional content.

This element is useful for adding context without interrupting the main page flow.

"In this example, the aside tag is used to display a list of related articles in the sidebar. This adds context to the main content without interfering with the primary reading flow."

Example of a Complete Structure with Semantic Containers

Below, we show how to combine semantic containers to create an organized structure on a web page. In this case, we use <section>, <article>, and <aside> to create a clear and logical layout.

"In this complete structure, we combine several semantic containers, including section for grouping thematic sections, article for specific articles, and aside for complementary content like testimonials. Each container adds clarity and structure, making the site easier to understand and accessible."

Best Practices for Using Semantic Containers

  1. Use specific tags when possible: Prioritize the use of specific semantic containers over the generic <div> whenever the content has an identifiable purpose.
  2. Maintain logical hierarchy: Organize containers in a hierarchical structure that reflects the content logic.
  3. Avoid container overuse: Do not place semantic containers within others unnecessarily, as this can make the code unnecessarily complex.


In this chapter, we learned how to structure content using semantic containers like <div>, <section>, <article>, and <aside>. These elements help improve the organization, accessibility, and readability of HTML code. Using these containers effectively allows the creation of more intuitive and easy-to-navigate sites for both users and search engines.

In the next chapter, we will explore how to apply semantics in textual content, using tags like <strong>, <em>, <blockquote>, and others, to give deeper meaning to text content on our pages.

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