Chuck's Academy

Git and GitHub

Collaborative Work on GitHub

In this module, we will explore how to work as a team using GitHub. GitHub offers many functionalities and workflows that facilitate collaboration on software projects, such as contributing to repositories, using issues, and integrating with other tools.

Preparation for Collaborative Work

Cloning a Repository

To collaborate on a project, the first step is to clone the remote repository to your local machine:


Contributing to a Project

Creating Branches

Always create a new branch for working on a feature or bug fix. This prevents conflicts and makes it easier to integrate changes.


Making Commits and Push

Make frequent and descriptive commits, then push your changes to the remote repository:


Pull Requests

Creating a Pull Request (PR)

A Pull Request (PR) is a request to merge your changes into the repository's main branch. To create a PR:

  1. Navigate to the repository on GitHub.
  2. Go to the "Pull requests" section and click on "New pull request."
  3. Select the branch with your changes and the target branch.
  4. Provide a title and a detailed description for the PR.
  5. Click on "Create pull request."

Reviewing and Merging a PR

PR reviews are essential to ensure code quality:

  1. Assign reviewers to your PR.
  2. Reviewers can comment on specific lines of code, request changes, or approve the PR.
  3. Once approved, the PR can be merged using the "Merge pull request" button.

Issues and Task Management

Creating and Managing Issues

Issues are powerful tools for tracking bugs, tasks, and improvements:

  1. Navigate to the "Issues" tab in the repository.
  2. Click on "New issue."
  3. Provide a detailed title and description, including steps to reproduce the problem if necessary.
  4. Assign labels, collaborators, and a milestone if applicable.

Using Project Boards

GitHub provides Project Boards to manage tasks visually using cards and columns:

  1. Create a new board under the "Projects" tab.
  2. Add columns like "To do," "In progress," and "Done."
  3. Create cards that represent issues or PRs and move them through the workflow.

Synchronizing Changes

Updating Local Changes from the Remote Repository

To keep your local repository up-to-date with the remote's main branch, use:


Rebasing a Branch

Rebasing re-applies your branch's commits onto the latest version of the main branch, keeping a cleaner history:


Code Reviews

Comments on PRs

Reviewers can leave comments on specific lines of code in a PR. It's good practice to respond to these comments for effective interactions.

Request Changes

If a PR needs adjustments, reviewers can request changes. The author must address these comments and push additional commits until everything is approved.

Continuous Integration

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions allows you to automate workflows, such as testing and deployments:

  1. Create a workflow file in .github/workflows.
  2. Define the necessary jobs and steps.

Practical Example

  1. Clone the repository:

  2. Create a new branch:

  3. Make changes, commit, and push:

  4. Create a Pull Request (PR):

    • Navigate to "Pull requests" on GitHub and select "New pull request."
    • Select new-feature as the source branch and main as the target branch.
    • Create the PR with an appropriate title and description.

With these tools and workflows, you can effectively collaborate on projects using GitHub. In the next module, we will learn how to handle Pull Requests and code reviews in detail.

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