Chuck's Academy

Middlewares in Node

Testing and Debugging Middlewares

Testing and Debugging Middlewares

The development of effective middlewares not only involves their implementation but also their proper testing and debugging. Testing and debugging your middlewares ensure they work as expected and help identify and fix errors. In this module, you will learn how to test and debug middlewares in Node.js.

Unit Testing with mocha and chai

Unit tests are crucial for verifying that each piece of your middleware works correctly in isolation. mocha and chai are popular libraries for testing in Node.js.


First, install mocha and chai using npm:


Basic Configuration

Next, we set up a test file to test a simple middleware.

Middleware File (middleware.js)


Test File (test.js)


To run the tests, add a script to your package.json:


Finally, run the tests with:


Functional Tests with supertest

supertest is another useful tool for testing routes and middlewares in Express applications.


First, install supertest using npm:


Functional Test Example

Test File (test-functional.js)


Debugging Middlewares

The debugging process helps identify and fix problems in your middleware. Node.js offers several tools for debugging your code.

Using console.log

Although simple, console.log is one of the most effective ways to debug issues. You can add console.log statements at various points to track values and the execution flow.

Using node inspect

For more advanced debugging, you can use the node inspect command to start an interactive debugging session.


Then, open chrome://inspect in Chrome to begin investigating.

Debugging with vscode

Visual Studio Code offers a powerful integrated debugging tool.

  1. Add a debug configuration in .vscode/launch.json:
  1. Click on the debug icon in the sidebar and select Launch Program.
  2. Use breakpoints to pause execution and inspect the application state.

Insert image here: Screenshot of a debugging session in Visual Studio Code, with breakpoints set in the middleware.

Thoroughly testing and debugging your middlewares ensures the quality and robustness of your application. In the next module, we will discuss some best practices and final tips for working with middlewares in Node.js.

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