Chuck's Academy

HTML5 Geolocation API

Advanced Options in Geolocation

So far, we have learned to obtain the user's basic location using the Geolocation API. However, in some applications, it is necessary to control more precisely the accuracy, timeout, and update frequency of the location. In this chapter, we will explore the advanced options available to customize location requests and improve user experience.

Configuring Options with positionOptions

The Geolocation API allows adjusting the location request using an options object called positionOptions. This object can be passed as a third parameter to the getCurrentPosition or watchPosition methods, and it allows configuring three important properties:

  • enableHighAccuracy: If set to true, it indicates to the device that it should use the highest possible accuracy for the location. This can imply higher battery and data consumption.
  • timeout: Defines the maximum time in milliseconds that the API will wait before returning an error if it does not obtain the location.
  • maximumAge: Specifies the maximum time in milliseconds that a cached position is considered valid before requesting an update.

Advanced Configuration Example

Let's see how to implement positionOptions for a high-accuracy request with a timeout of five seconds and without using cached positions.

"Here, we create an object called options. In this object, we set enableHighAccuracy to true, timeout to 5000 milliseconds, and maximumAge to zero. Then, we pass this object as a third parameter in getCurrentPosition to customize the location request."

Explanation of Each Parameter


When enableHighAccuracy is activated, the device will attempt to obtain the location with the highest possible accuracy. This means it is likely to use GPS if available, instead of relying on Wi-Fi networks or IP data which are less precise. However, keep in mind that this setting may increase battery consumption.

"Here, we define an object called highAccuracyOptions where enableHighAccuracy is set to true. This setting indicates to the device to use the highest possible accuracy when obtaining the location."


The timeout parameter specifies the maximum time the application will wait for a location response before failing. This value is useful in applications that require quick responses and cannot wait indefinitely.

"In this example, we set timeout to 10000 milliseconds or 10 seconds. This means that the location request will fail if it doesn't get a response in that time, triggering the error function instead of waiting indefinitely."


The maximumAge parameter defines how old a cached location can be before the API requests a new location. This parameter is useful in applications where real-time location accuracy is not needed, helping conserve battery.

"Here we configure maximumAge to 300000 milliseconds, allowing the application to use a cached position up to five minutes old. This reduces the need for new requests and can conserve device battery."

Combining Options for a Customized Experience

The enableHighAccuracy, timeout, and maximumAge options can be combined according to the application's needs. For example, in a real-time navigation application, it is useful to enable high accuracy and set a low maximumAge to get the most up-to-date location data.

"In this example, we use an object called navigationOptions where enableHighAccuracy is set to true, timeout to 7000 milliseconds and maximumAge to 1000 milliseconds. This configuration is ideal for real-time applications, as it ensures high precision and minimizes the use of cached data."

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Advanced Options


  • Greater Control: Applications have more control over the accuracy and update frequency of the location.
  • Better User Experience: Allows adjustment of the location request to specific needs, optimizing battery and data usage.
  • Lower Resource Consumption: With maximumAge, location requests can be reduced, thus conserving the device's battery.


  • Higher Battery Consumption: Using high accuracy and frequent updates can drain the battery quickly, especially on mobile devices.
  • Slow Response Time: In some cases, high accuracy can result in a longer response time, as the device searches for GPS signals.

Practical Example: Configuration for Different Scenarios

Let's see an example where we use different positionOptions configurations depending on the scenario:

"In this example, we have a function called requestLocation that receives a parameter scenario. Depending on the scenario, we set different positionOptions configurations to customize the location request. High accuracy and low cache age configuration is used for real-time navigation, while lower accuracy and higher cache are used for occasional checks."

Chapter Summary

In this chapter, we learned to use advanced geolocation options, such as enableHighAccuracy, timeout, and maximumAge, to customize location requests. By adapting these settings to the application's specific needs, it is possible to improve both the data accuracy and the user experience.

In the next chapter, we will address error handling in the Geolocation API, an important part of creating reliable and robust applications that can adequately respond to different issues that may arise during the geolocation process.

Let's move forward and learn how to handle geolocation errors in the next chapter!

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