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UPDATE Operations in SQL

The UPDATE command in SQL allows us to modify existing data in a table. This operation is crucial when we need to fix errors or update outdated information. In this chapter, we will learn how to use UPDATE safely and efficiently.

Updating Records with UPDATE

The most common use of UPDATE is to modify one or more fields of a specific record in a table. Here is a basic example to update a user's email in the users table.

"In this example, we are updating the email field in the users table. We change Alice's email using the WHERE clause to identify the user whose id is one."

Use WHERE to Avoid Mass Updates

It's important to always use the WHERE clause in our UPDATE queries to avoid accidentally updating all records in a table. If we omit WHERE, all records will be modified.

"This example is dangerous because it updates the email of all users in the users table to the value Never forget the WHERE clause to avoid issues."

Updating Multiple Columns

We can update more than one column at a time by specifying multiple assignments in the SET clause. Here we have an example where we update both the name and the email of a user:

"In this example, we are updating two fields at once: the name and the email of the user with id equal to one."

Updating Multiple Records

It's possible to update multiple records in a single operation if the WHERE clause selects more than one record. For example, to change the domain of all emails ending in '' to '', we can do the following:

"Here we are updating the email domain of all users who have email addresses ending in, using the REPLACE function to make the change."

Updating with Complex Conditions

We can use logical operators like AND and OR in the WHERE clause to define more complex conditions in our updates. For example, to update all users who were created before 2023 and have an email ending in '', we can do the following:

"In this example, we are setting the email_verified field to true for all users who were created before 2023 and whose email ends in"

Using Subqueries in UPDATE

In some cases, it's useful to update data in a table based on values from another table. This can be done using subqueries in the SET clause. For example, suppose we want to update the total_orders field in the users table based on the number of orders they have in the orders table:

"In this example, we are using a subquery in the UPDATE command. The subquery counts the number of orders for each user in the orders table and updates the total_orders field in the users table with that value."


In this chapter, we learned to use the UPDATE command to modify data in an SQL database. We saw how to update individual records, update multiple columns and records, use complex conditions, and leverage subqueries in our updates. In the next chapter, we will see how to delete data from our tables using the DELETE command.

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