Chuck's Academy

HTML5 Canvas

Object Animation in Canvas

In this chapter, we will learn the basics of animation in the canvas. Animation is an essential component for creating games, as it allows for object movement and a dynamic visual experience. We will use the requestAnimationFrame method to create smooth and optimized animations.

Concept of requestAnimationFrame

To animate in canvas, the requestAnimationFrame method is used, allowing a function to be executed repeatedly at specific intervals, ideal for maintaining high performance in animations. This method synchronizes animations with the screen's refresh rate, providing a smoother visual experience.

Creating an Animation Loop

Let's see how to create a basic animation loop that updates the position of a square on the canvas.

"In this example, we set up an animate function that clears the canvas in each cycle and draws a green square at a position that progressively increases on the X-axis. This creates a rightward motion animation. We use requestAnimationFrame to repeat the animate function, allowing the square to move continuously."

Controlling Animation Speed

We can adjust the animation speed by modifying the increment of the position variable, in this case x. For example, if we increase x at higher values, the object will move faster.

"In this version, we added a variable called speed with a value of five. This makes the variable x increment faster, causing the blue square to move at a higher speed on the canvas."

Creating Two-Dimensional Animations

To create movements in two directions, we simply add a second variable for the Y-axis. In this example, we will make the square move diagonally.

"Here we added movement in both horizontal and vertical directions using variables speedX and speedY. The red square will move diagonally, and when it reaches the canvas edges, the movement direction will be reversed, creating a bouncing effect."

Exercise: Create a Complex Animation

Try creating an animation where a circle moves in a circular path. For this, you can use trigonometric functions to calculate the x and y positions based on an incrementing angle.

"In this exercise, we calculate the circle's coordinates based on an increasing angle, generating a circular path. We use the radius to adjust the circle's distance from the center and employ cosine and sine to move it in an orbit around the canvas's central coordinates."


In this chapter, we explored how to animate objects on the canvas, from linear movements to more complex two-dimensional paths. Animation is an essential technique for games, allowing for an engaging and dynamic visual experience.

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