Chuck's Academy

HTML5 Canvas

Building Game Logic

To make our game interesting and challenging, we need to build game logic that includes scoring systems, levels, and win or lose conditions. Additionally, modularizing our code will allow us to reuse functions and make development more efficient. In this chapter, we will see how to integrate these elements into our game using the canvas.

Configuring Score, Levels, and Win/Lose Conditions

Score is an essential part of many games, as it gives the player a goal and an incentive to improve. Next, we'll create a basic scoring system and define conditions for the player to win or lose.

Scoring System

First, let's set up a score variable to store the player's score and a function to increase this score:

"We define a score variable for the player's score and an increaseScore function that increments the score by 10 points each time it is called. We also display the score in the console."

This basic code increments the player's score. We can call increaseScore each time the player completes a task or removes an obstacle.

Win and Lose Conditions

Let's define conditions for the player to win or lose the game. For example, we can set the player to win if they reach a certain score and lose if they collide with an obstacle.

"We define a win condition in the checkWinCondition function, which shows a message if the score reaches or exceeds the winning score. We also have a checkLossCondition function that checks for a collision between the player and an obstacle to show a loss message."

In this example, checkWinCondition checks if the score reaches the necessary score to win, while checkLossCondition checks collisions to determine a loss.

Code Modularization for Reuse

To make game code easier to maintain and expand, it is useful to divide it into independent modules or functions. This allows functions to be reused in different parts of the game.

Creating Reusable Functions

Next, we modularize game code into functions that perform specific tasks, such as updating the score, checking game conditions, or resetting the game.

"The updateScore function allows adding points to the score flexibly, while resetGame resets the score and positions of objects in the game to start over."

These modular functions help keep the code clean and avoid repeating logic in various parts of the game.

Incorporating Times and Game Progression

To make the game more challenging, we can add timers or make the difficulty increase progressively. This adds a sense of progress and challenge to the game.

Game Timer

Let's add a timer that limits the time the player has to complete the game.

"We define a timeLeft variable for the remaining time and a startTimer function that decrements the time every second. When the time reaches zero, the game ends and resets."

This timer gives the player a limited amount of time to win the game, increasing the difficulty.

Difficulty Progression

We can increase the game's difficulty by increasing the speed of obstacles or reducing the available time as the player advances through levels.

"We define a level variable for the current level and an increaseDifficulty function that increments both the level and the player's speed, making the game more challenging with each level."

This code allows the game to become more challenging as the player progresses, adding a sense of progression.


In this chapter, we learned how to implement basic game logic, including scoring systems, win and lose conditions, and how to modularize code to make development more efficient. We also saw how to incorporate a timer and difficulty progression to make the game more interesting and challenging.

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