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Responsive Design in CSS

CSS Grid: Responsive Grid Design

CSS Grid is one of the most powerful layout systems available in CSS. It facilitates the creation of complex and responsive designs using a grid-based approach. Unlike Flexbox, which focuses on single-axis design (horizontal or vertical), CSS Grid allows you to work in two dimensions, making it an ideal tool for designing full-page structures.

What is CSS Grid?

CSS Grid is a design system that organizes elements into a grid defined by rows and columns. Through this system, you can place elements in specific positions or allow them to automatically distribute within the grid.

CSS GridCSS Grid

CSS Grid Fundamentals

Designing with CSS Grid starts by defining a container as a grid using the display: grid property. Within this container, the child elements are organized in rows and columns.

"In this example, we define a container with display grid, featuring three equally wide columns using the repeat function with fractions. The gap property adds a one rem space between the grid elements."

Defining Columns and Rows

You can customize the size of your grid's columns and rows with grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows. Fractions (fr) are a popular unit in CSS Grid because they divide the available space proportionally among the columns.

"Here, three columns are defined: the first and third each occupy one fraction, while the central column occupies two fractions, meaning double the space. Additionally, the first row adjusts automatically, and the second has a fixed height of three hundred pixels."

Placing Elements in the Grid

One of the advantages of CSS Grid is the ability to place elements exactly where you need them, in both rows and columns. To do this, grid-column and grid-row properties are used.

"In this example, the first element extends from the first column to the third, occupying two columns, and only occupies the first row."

Creating a Responsive Layout with CSS Grid

CSS Grid makes it easy to create designs that adapt to different screen sizes. This is achieved by combining the use of media queries with flexible units like fr and auto. Let's look at an example of how a three-column layout can adapt for small screens:

"This code defines a grid with three equally sized columns for large screens. When the screen width is less than seven hundred sixty-eight pixels, the grid becomes a single column. This allows the design to adapt to small screens like mobile devices."

Using Grid Areas

CSS Grid allows defining "grid areas" to semantically assign whole sections of the grid to different elements. This can greatly simplify code and make it easier to read.

"In this example, we use the grid template areas property to define four areas: a header that occupies three columns, a sidebar that occupies the first column, main content in the remaining two columns, and a footer that once again occupies all three columns."

Complete Layout Example with CSS Grid

Below is a complete example of a layout using CSS Grid that adapts responsively to different screen sizes:

"This is a basic CSS Grid layout with three columns on large screens. When the screen is smaller, it becomes a single column thanks to the media query. Each item has a light background and padding of one rem to separate it from other elements."


CSS Grid is an extremely powerful tool for creating complex and responsive layouts. By understanding how to organize elements into rows and columns, and how to make these layouts adapt to different screen sizes, you can create modern and flexible user interfaces.

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