Chuck's Academy

React Hooks

The useCallback Hook

useCallback Hook


The useCallback Hook is similar to useMemo, but instead of memoizing a value, it memoizes a function. This Hook is useful for avoiding the re-creation of functions on every render, especially when they are passed as props to child components that depend on the function reference.

Basic Syntax

useCallback takes a function and a dependency list, and only re-creates the function if one of the dependencies changes.


Example Description

In this example:

  • ParentComponent declares a function handleClick using useCallback.
  • handleClick is created only once during the component's lifecycle because its dependency (the empty array) does not change.
  • ChildComponent receives handleClick as a prop, and this reference will not change between renders, preventing unnecessary re-renders of the child component.

Use Cases

useCallback is particularly useful when:

  • Function props are causing unwanted re-renders: When passing a function as a prop to a child component that might re-render because the function reference has changed.
  • Performance optimization: In components that depend on memoized functions to avoid additional renders or complex calculations.

Advanced Example

Consider a button that only re-renders when specific props change.


Advanced Example Description

In this example:

  • handleClick is memoized using useCallback and is only re-created when count changes.
  • The Button component only re-renders when the text or the function reference handleClick changes.

When Not to Use useCallback

Similar to useMemo, do not use useCallback excessively. Its use can add unnecessary complexity if you do not have specific performance issues to solve.

Comparison with useMemo

While useMemo memoizes values, useCallback memoizes functions. Both have their own use cases and benefits in optimizing an application's performance.


As with any performance optimization, you should measure and be sure that useCallback has a clear positive impact. Unmeasured use can lead to maintenance difficulties without real benefits.

[Placeholder for image on the use of useCallback: Diagram showing how useCallback works to avoid function re-creation on each render, highlighting dependency on values and relationship with child component props.]

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