Chuck's Academy

React Hooks

The useDebugValue Hook

useDebugValue Hook


The useDebugValue Hook is used to display custom debug labels in React DevTools. It is particularly useful when working with Custom Hooks and you want to provide more context about the state or internal values.

Basic Syntax

useDebugValue takes a value as an argument, which will be shown in React DevTools.


Example Description

In this example:

  • useCount is a Custom Hook that uses useDebugValue to display the current counter value in React DevTools.
  • Counter is a component that uses the Custom Hook useCount to manage the counter state.

Conditional Debug Labels

useDebugValue can also receive a formatting function as a second argument, which will be invoked only if the DevTools are active (useful to avoid expensive calculations).


Description of Conditional Labels

In this example:

  • useFormattedDate is a Custom Hook that formats a date and uses useDebugValue to display the date in a readable format in React DevTools. The formatting function is invoked only if the DevTools are active.

Use Cases

useDebugValue is useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • Debugging Custom Hooks: Provides additional context about the internal values and state of Hooks.
  • Improving Developer Experience: Helps developers quickly understand the state and behavior of Custom Hooks in DevTools.

Best Practices

  • Useful Information: Ensure that the information provided by useDebugValue is genuinely useful for debugging.
  • Avoid Expensive Calculations: Use the optional formatting function to avoid expensive calculations when DevTools are not active.


  • Development-Only Use: useDebugValue is intended exclusively for use in development and debugging, and does not affect the production behavior of components.

Advanced Example

Consider a Custom Hook that handles user authentication and uses useDebugValue to show the authentication status.


Advanced Example Description

In this example:

  • useAuth is a Custom Hook that evaluates whether a user is authenticated and uses useDebugValue to display the status in React DevTools.
  • AuthStatus shows the authentication status based on the output of useAuth.


useDebugValue is a powerful tool to improve the debugging of Custom Hooks, providing additional information and context in DevTools. Use it to offer a better development experience and facilitate problem identification.

[Placeholder for image on the use of useDebugValue: Diagram showing how useDebugValue interacts with React DevTools, highlighting how it displays additional information about Custom Hooks without affecting production behavior.]

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