Chuck's Academy

React Hooks

The useMemo Hook

useMemo Hook


The useMemo Hook is used to memoize computed values, optimizing performance by avoiding costly recalculations on every render. This Hook is particularly useful when you need to perform intensive calculations or have components that depend on complex data that should not be recalculated on every render.

Basic Syntax

useMemo takes a function and a dependencies list, and only recalculates the memoized value when any of the dependencies change.


Example Description

In this example:

  • ExpensiveComponent uses useMemo to compute the expensiveValue.
  • The calculation is only performed when a or b change, not on every render of the component.
  • Even though App is re-rendered every time count is incremented, the memoized value in ExpensiveComponent is not recalculated unless a or b change.

Use Cases

useMemo is useful in various scenarios, such as:

  • Intensive Calculations: Perform costly calculations only when inputs change.
  • Conditional Rendering: Prevent unnecessary renderings of child components.
  • List Filtering and Sorting: Memoize results to avoid repeating calculations.

Advanced Example

Consider the case of a filtered list of users.


Advanced Example Description

In this example:

  • UsersList uses useMemo to memoize the filtered list of users, avoiding recalculating the filtered list on every render.
  • The console will display 'Filtering users...' only when the filter changes, optimizing performance.

When Not to Use useMemo

Avoid overusing useMemo. Use it only when you have clear evidence of performance issues. In most cases, React is efficient at handling component updates on its own.


While useMemo can improve performance, it also adds a layer of complexity. Use it with caution and ensure it is truly benefiting your application's performance.

[Placeholder for image about using useMemo: Diagram showing how useMemo avoids recalculating values on each render, highlighting the dependency process and memoization of results.]

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