Chuck's Academy

React Hooks

The useId Hook

useId Hook


The useId Hook is a Hook that allows generating unique identifiers that are stable over time, useful for associating components with DOM elements uniquely and avoiding conflicts when rendering multiple instances of a component.

Basic Syntax

useId is used to create a unique identifier that can be used on DOM elements.


Example Description

In this example:

  • useId generates a unique identifier that is assigned to the <label> and <input> tag within the FormField component.
  • By instantiating FormField multiple times in App, each instance will have a unique identifier, avoiding conflicts on the id and htmlFor attributes.

Use Cases

useId is especially useful in situations where you need to:

  • Associate DOM elements: Like <label> and <input> pairs.
  • Unique identifiers in a list of components: Avoid identifier conflicts in components rendered as a list.

Advanced Example

Consider a form with multiple fields, where each field has its own unique identifier generated with useId.


Advanced Example Description

In this example:

  • TextInput is a reusable component that generates unique identifiers for its <label> and <input> thanks to useId.
  • SignUpForm uses TextInput to create a registration form with unique fields, ensuring no identifier conflicts.

Advantages of using useId

  • Guaranteed Uniqueness: Provides unique identifiers that help maintain DOM integrity.
  • Simplicity: Makes managing unique identifiers simple and straightforward, without the need for manual solutions.


  • useId should be used when there's a need to generate unique and stable identifiers; however, it should not be replaced by dynamic identifiers that frequently change in response to user data.

Comparison with Other Solutions

useId is preferable over manual solutions that use Math.random() or libraries like uuid when uniqueness needs to be guaranteed in the context of React rendering.

Usage Considerations

Ensure to use useId in scenarios where a unique identity is needed for element interaction, such as in accessible forms linking labels and input fields.


The useId Hook facilitates the generation of unique identifiers, improving accessibility and avoiding conflicts in DOM elements. It is an efficient tool for managing unique identities in React components.

[Placeholder for image on the use of useId: Diagram illustrating how useId generates unique identifiers for DOM elements, highlighting the stability and uniqueness generated for multiple instances of a component.]

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