Chuck's Academy

DOM Manipulation in JavaScript

Styles and Classes in the DOM

The manipulation of styles and classes in the DOM is essential for changing the appearance of elements on a web page in response to user interactions or data changes. With JavaScript, it is possible to add, remove, or modify inline styles and classes of elements dynamically.

Inline Styles Manipulation

Each DOM element has a style property that allows us to set CSS styles directly on the element.

Setting Styles

We can set styles using the style property and access the corresponding CSS properties.


Getting Computed Styles

To get the computed styles of an element (those that are actually applied after processing all CSS rules, including inheritance and browser rules), we use getComputedStyle.


Class Manipulation

Handling classes is done through the classList property. This property provides convenient methods to add, remove, toggle, and check classes on an element.


Adds one or more classes to the element.



Removes one or more classes from the element.



Toggles a class on the element. If the class is present, it removes it; if not, it adds it.



Checks if the element has a specific class.



Replaces one class with another.


Example of Class and Style Manipulation

Below is an example that combines inline style manipulation and class manipulation using JavaScript:


Dynamic Example with Events

The manipulation of styles and classes is especially useful along with DOM events. Let's see an example where the appearance of a button changes when clicked:



The manipulation of styles and classes in the DOM allows us to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces. By combining these techniques with event handling, we can create rich, interactive experiences for users. In the next chapter, we will explore how to navigate through the different nodes of the DOM.

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