Chuck's Academy

Testing in Node.js with Mocha and Chai

Test Driven Development (TDD) with Mocha and Chai

Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development methodology that focuses on writing tests before writing functional code. This technique not only improves code quality but also helps define requirements clearly before implementation. In this chapter, we will explore how to implement TDD using Mocha and Chai.

Principles of TDD

  1. Write a Test that Fails: Write a minimal test that fails because the functionality is not yet implemented.
  2. Write the Minimum Code to Pass the Test: Implement the necessary functionality for the test to pass.
  3. Refactor the Code: Improve the code ensuring all tests still pass without adding new functionalities.
  4. Repeat: Repeat the cycle for each new functionality.

Practical Example

Let's follow a step-by-step example to implement TDD with Mocha and Chai.

Step 1: Write a Failing Test

Suppose we want to implement a function esNumeroPar that determines if a number is even. We start by writing a test to check this functionality.

Create a file named test/esNumeroPar.test.js and write the following code:


Try running npm test. As expected, the tests will fail because the esNumeroPar function does not exist yet.

Step 2: Write the Minimum Code to Pass the Test

Next, we implement the esNumeroPar function so that the tests pass. Create a file src/esNumeroPar.js and write the minimum code necessary:


Update the test file test/esNumeroPar.test.js to import the correct function:


Run npm test again. This time, the tests should pass.

Step 3: Refactor the Code

In this case, the esNumeroPar function is already quite simple, so there's not much to refactor. However, it's important to review the code to see if there are opportunities for simplification or improvement without breaking the tests.

Benefits of TDD

  • Higher Quality Code: Writing tests before implementing functionality forces developers to think about requirements and possible edge cases before writing code.
  • Fewer Defects: By ensuring that each piece of functionality has adequate test coverage, errors are detected and fixed more quickly.
  • Living Documentation: Tests act as live documentation, demonstrating how the code is expected to behave in different situations.
  • Easier Refactoring: With a solid test suite, you can refactor code with confidence, knowing that the tests will verify nothing breaks.


Test Driven Development (TDD) is an efficient methodology that can lead to cleaner code, fewer errors, and a better understanding of requirements. Mocha and Chai are excellent tools for applying TDD in Node.js applications, providing a clear and powerful structure for your tests. In the next chapter, we will explore Mocks and Stubs with Sinon.js and how they integrate into our tests.

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