Chuck's Academy

GraphQL with Node

Handling Errors in GraphQL

In any API, proper error handling is crucial to providing a robust and reliable user experience. In GraphQL, errors can occur in various parts, from resolvers to database operations. In this chapter, we will learn how to effectively handle errors and provide useful error messages to clients.

Common Types of Errors in GraphQL

  1. Validation Errors: These occur when the provided parameters are invalid or missing.
  2. Authentication Errors: These happen when an unauthenticated user tries to access protected resources.
  3. Authorization Errors: These happen when an authenticated user tries to perform an action they do not have permissions for.
  4. Server Errors: Unexpected errors that occur on the server, such as database issues or internal logic errors.

Handling Errors in Resolvers

We are going to update our resolvers to properly handle these types of errors.

Validation Errors

Let's validate the arguments provided by the client, especially in mutations.

Example in resolvers.js

Authentication and Authorization Errors

Let's ensure that authenticated and authorized users can perform certain operations.

Example in resolvers.js

Centralized Error Handling

We can also centralize error handling using middleware.

Middleware Example for Error Handling

Customizing Error Messages

We can customize error messages and add specific error codes for better client understanding.

Example with Custom Error Codes

With the custom error code, the client can handle errors in a more granular and specific manner.


In this chapter, we have learned:

  • The common types of errors in a GraphQL API.
  • How to handle errors in GraphQL resolvers.
  • Implement middleware for centralized error handling.
  • Customize error messages for better client understanding.

Proper error handling not only improves the stability and security of your API but also provides a better development and user experience.

[Placeholder: Diagram showing how errors are handled and customized at each layer of the GraphQL stack]

In the next chapter, we will explore how to test GraphQL APIs to ensure they work as expected.

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