Chuck's Academy

Testing JavaScript and DOM with DOM Testing Library

DOM Component Testing with Testing Library

Now that we have a basic understanding of how to write unit tests, it’s time to move on to testing more complex DOM components. We will see how to use DOM Testing Library to verify the structure, content, and behavior of components that interact with each other in the DOM.

Create a Complex Component

For this exercise, we will create a simple form component with an input field and a button that, when clicked, displays a message.

File index.html:


File index.js:


Writing Tests for the Component

We are going to write several tests that verify different aspects of the component: its initial structure, user input, and the behavior of the form upon submission.

File form.test.js:


Understanding the Tests

  1. Initial Render Test:
    • getByLabelText is used to find the input by its associated label.
    • getByText is used to find the button by its text.
  2. Form Submission Test:
    • fireEvent.change simulates user input in the text field.
    • simulates a click event on the form’s submit button.
    • We verify that the message updates correctly after the form submission.

[Placeholder for explanatory image: Diagram showing the flow of user interactions with the form, from input to submission and message update]

Additional Tests

We can write additional tests to cover more scenarios, such as form validation or event handling tests.

Input Field Validation

Suppose we want the form to show an error message if the input field is empty when the form is submitted.

File index.js (modified):


File form.test.js (add test):



In this chapter, you have learned how to write tests for more complex DOM components using DOM Testing Library. We covered various aspects, from verifying the initial structure to simulating user interactions and validating component behavior.

These techniques will allow you to ensure that your application components work as expected, and prepare you to write more advanced tests involving multiple components and their interactions.

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