Chuck's Academy


File Handling and Uploads

File handling is a common task in backend applications, from reading and writing files on the server to managing user file uploads. Node.js offers powerful tools to work with files efficiently. In this chapter, we will learn how to handle files and manage file uploads in Node.js using fs (file system) and multer.

Reading and Writing Files in Node.js

Node.js includes the fs module to work with the file system. This module allows you to perform operations such as reading, writing, deleting, and renaming files on the server. Let's see how to perform some of the most common operations.

Reading Files

To read the content of a file, we use the fs.readFile method. Here's an example:

"This code uses the 'readFile' method from the 'fs' module to read the 'example dot t x t' file. The file's content is displayed in the console, or if an error occurs, the error is shown."

Writing Files

To write to a file, we can use fs.writeFile. If the file does not exist, it will be created; if it already exists, its content will be overwritten.

"This code creates a file named 'example dot t x t' with the content 'Hello comma Node dot j s'. If the file already exists, its content will be overwritten. If there is an error, it will be shown in the console."

Deleting Files

To delete a file, we use fs.unlink:

"This code deletes the file 'example dot t x t'. If an error occurs, it is shown in the console."

File Upload in Node.js with Multer

multer is a middleware that makes managing file uploads in Node.js easier. With multer, we can handle files sent through HTML forms and store them on the server. First, let's install the package:

"Run 'npm space install space multer' to install the multer library, which will help us handle file uploads in our application."

Configuring Multer

To handle file uploads, we need to configure multer on our Express server. Let's see how to do it:

"In this example, we use multer to handle a single file upload. The file is stored in the 'uploads' folder. The post route 'slash upload' receives the file and returns a success message."

Uploading Multiple Files

If we need to allow the uploading of several files at once, we can use upload.array() instead of upload.single():

"Here we configure multer to handle the upload of up to five files at once, which are sent in the 'files' form field."

Custom Storage

Multer also allows configuring more advanced storage options like renaming files and defining where they will be stored. Let's see how to configure custom storage:

"In this example, we customize the storage using 'diskStorage'. We define the destination folder and configure a unique name for each file using a suffix based on the date and a random number."

Security Considerations for File Handling

File handling can introduce security vulnerabilities if proper measures are not taken. Here are some tips to improve security when handling files in Node.js:

  • File type validation: Ensure you validate the file type users can upload to prevent the execution of malicious files.

  • File size: Set a limit on the size of files users can upload to avoid overloading the server.

  • File names: Generate unique names for uploaded files to avoid overwriting existing files.

"Here we add validation to accept only PNG and JPEG files, and a limit of five megabytes on file size."


In this chapter, we learned how to handle files in Node.js using the fs module to read, write, and delete files, and how to manage file uploads using the multer middleware. These skills are fundamental for many modern applications, from image storage to document management.

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