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Testing in Node.js

Testing is a crucial part of application development because it ensures that the code works as expected and that changes do not introduce errors. In Node.js, there are several tools that allow us to perform unit, integration, and acceptance tests. In this chapter, we will learn to write tests using Mocha and Chai, and how to test our APIs with Supertest.

Introduction to Testing in Node.js

In Node.js, application testing can be divided into several categories:

  • Unit Tests: Verify if an individual unit of code (e.g., a function) works correctly.
  • Integration Tests: Test how different modules or components interact within an application.
  • Acceptance Tests: Validate that the application works as required, from the user's perspective.

Installing Mocha and Chai

Mocha is a popular testing framework that provides a flexible way to define and run tests. Chai is an assertion library that works well with Mocha. Let's install them:

"Run 'npm space install space mocha space chai space dash dash save dash dev' to install Mocha and Chai as development dependencies in your project."

Creating a Unit Test with Mocha and Chai

Let's create a simple unit test for a function that adds two numbers. Create a file sum.js with the following content:

"This 'sum' function takes two parameters and returns the sum of both."

Now, create a test file called test/sum.test.js and define a test for this function using Mocha and Chai:

"Here we use the 'describe' function to define a test suite called 'Sum function'. Within this suite, we define a test case that verifies if the 'sum' function returns the correct sum of two numbers."

Running the Tests

To run the tests, we can add a script in our package.json and then run Mocha from the terminal:


Then, run the following command:

"Run 'npm space test' in the terminal to execute the tests defined in Mocha."

Testing APIs with Supertest

Supertest is a tool that allows us to perform integration tests of our APIs in Node.js. Let's see how we can test a basic API using Express.

Installing Supertest

First, let's install Supertest as a development dependency:

"Run 'npm space install space supertest space dash dash save dash dev' to install Supertest."

Creating an API to Test

Imagine we have a basic API that returns a list of users. Here's the code for app.js:

"This is a simple API with a single route that returns a list of users in JSON format."

Creating an API Test with Supertest

Now, let's write a test to verify that the API returns the user list correctly. Create a test file called test/app.test.js:

"Here we use Supertest to make a GET request to the 'slash users' route. We verify that the returned content is JSON, that the status code is 200, and that the response body is an array with two users."

Code Coverage Tools

To ensure that all parts of our code are being tested, we can use a code coverage tool like nyc. Install nyc with the following command:

"Run 'npm space install space nyc space dash dash save dash dev' to install nyc."

Then, add the following script in your package.json to run the tests with coverage:


Run the tests with:

"Run 'npm space test' to execute the tests with Mocha and obtain a code coverage report using nyc."

Best Testing Practices

When testing Node.js applications, it is important to follow some best practices:

  • Small and Modular Tests: Tests should focus on a single unit of code to facilitate debugging.
  • Test Isolation: Tests should not depend on each other; they should be independent and reproducible in any environment.
  • Automation: Integrate tests into your CI/CD flow so they run automatically whenever code changes are made.


In this chapter, we have learned to write unit and integration tests in Node.js using Mocha, Chai, and Supertest. We have also explored how to measure code coverage with nyc. Testing is a vital part of developing robust applications as it ensures that our code works correctly before moving to production.

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