Chuck's Academy

React Context API

Context Consumer (Context Consumer)

The Context Consumer is an integral part of React's Context API. It is used to access data provided by the context Provider. This chapter will cover how to use the Context Consumer effectively and best practices for its use.

What is a Context Consumer?

The Context Consumer is a component provided by createContext() that allows components to access context values. The most common way to use it is through the render props pattern, where a function is passed as a child of the Consumer, and this function receives the context value as an argument.

Basic Example

Let's see how to use the Context Consumer in a simple example:


In this example, UserContext.Consumer wraps the UserProfile component and uses a function to access the context value.

Render Props Pattern

The Context Consumer uses the render props pattern, which means it expects a function as a child. This function receives the context value as an argument and returns a React Node.


Using the useContext Hook

Starting from React 16.8, the useContext Hook simplifies the way of consuming contexts. Instead of using the Consumer component, we can use the useContext Hook to access the context directly within functional components.

Example with useContext


In this example, useContext is used to access the context within the UserProfile functional component.

Comparison between Consumer and useContext

  • Context Consumer: Uses a render props pattern, which can be less intuitive and more verbose, especially in large or nested components.
  • useContext: Cleaner and more concise, improving readability and reducing the amount of code.

Special Considerations

  1. Re-renders: Every time the context value changes, all consumers re-render. This can affect performance if not handled properly.
  2. Nested Contexts: When working with nested contexts, make sure each Provider and Consumer corresponds to the correct context.

Example of Re-renders


In this example, CounterDisplay re-renders every time the counter is incremented since the context value changes.

[Placeholder: Image showing how the Consumer accesses values from the Provider at different levels of the component tree]

Best Practices

  1. Using useContext: Prefer useContext in functional components for cleaner and more concise code.
  2. Memoization: Memoize context values that are objects or functions to avoid unnecessary re-renders.
  3. Single Responsibility: Keep components responsible for consuming the context small and focused on a single task.


The Context Consumer and the useContext Hook are essential tools for accessing context values in React. Understanding how to use them correctly can improve your application's efficiency and code readability. In the next chapter, we will explore the use of context with the useContext Hook in greater detail.

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