Chuck's Academy

React Context API

Fundamentals of State in React

To fully understand React's Context API, we must first have a solid foundation in the fundamentals of state in React. State is an essential feature in React as it allows components to maintain and manage changing data throughout the application's lifecycle.

What is State?

State is an object that contains data or properties that a component can handle and render dynamically. Unlike props, which are immutable and passed down from a parent component, state is mutable and managed internally by the component.

Initializing State

In functional components, state is managed using the useState Hook. In class components, state is initialized in the constructor.

Example in Functional Component


In this example, useState is used to declare a state variable called count and a function setCount to update that state.

Example in Class Component


Here, the state is initialized in the constructor and updated using this.setState within the increment method.

Updating State

Updating state is a crucial part of React as it triggers a re-render of the component to reflect the changes. It's important to note that state updates in React are asynchronous.

Considerations When Updating State

  1. Do Not Modify State Directly: Always use the update function (setState or useState) to change the state. Directly modifying it will not trigger a re-render.
  1. Combine State Updates: When the new state depends on the previous state, use the state update function that receives the previous state as an argument.

State vs. Props

  • State: Managed internally by the component, mutable, and used to store information that can change during the component's lifecycle.
  • Props: Passed down from the parent component, immutable, and used to configure the component.

Combined Example

Below is an example that demonstrates how a component can handle both state and props.


In this example, the Greeting component receives a name prop and manages a greeting state.


Understanding how state works in React is fundamental for effectively working with the Context API. State allows components to manage data that can change over time, and it's essential for building interactive and dynamic applications. In the next chapter, we will delve into creating a context in React.

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