Chuck's Academy

React Context API

Creating a Context in React

Creating a context in React is the first step to using the Context API. A context is created using the React.createContext function and is essential for efficiently sharing data in components that are not directly related.

Steps to Create a Context

  1. Import React and createContext
  2. Create a Context
  3. Provide the Context
  4. Consume the Context

1. Import React and createContext

First, we need to import React and the createContext function from the React library.


2. Create a Context

We use createContext to create a new context. This function returns an object with two components: Provider and Consumer.


In this example, MyContext is now a context that can be used in our application.

3. Provide the Context

To make the context available in the component tree, we need to wrap the components where we want the context to be accessible with the context's Provider component.


Here we are providing the user value to the MyContext context, which makes any component within MyContext.Provider able to access this value.

4. Consume the Context

To access the context's data, we use the Consumer component provided by the context.


In this example, UserProfile consumes the context value and uses it to render user information.

Complete Example

Combining all the steps, here is a complete example of creating and using a context in React.


Using useContext Hook

Starting with React 16.8, you can also use the useContext Hook to consume the context in a simpler way.


The useContext Hook simplifies the code required to consume the context, making it cleaner and easier to read.


Creating a context in React is a simple process that can significantly improve how we share data between components. By understanding the process of creating and utilizing a context, we can build more efficient and easy-to-maintain applications. In the next chapter, we will dive deeper into the context Provider component.

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