Chuck's Academy

Basic CSS

Responsive Design Fundamentals in CSS

Responsive web design is a modern approach that ensures web pages look and function well across a wide variety of devices and screen sizes, from mobile phones to desktop monitors. In this chapter, you'll learn the basic concepts and CSS techniques for creating websites that adapt to different screen resolutions.

What is Responsive Design?

Responsive design is based on the idea of creating a single web page that can dynamically adapt to different screen sizes without content overflowing or looking bad. This improves accessibility and user experience, regardless of the device being used.

This image shows a visual comparison of a web page on a mobile device, a tablet, and a desktop screen, showing how content adaptsThis image shows a visual comparison of a web page on a mobile device, a tablet, and a desktop screen, showing how content adapts

Using Flexible Units

To achieve a responsive design, we must avoid using fixed units like pixels, and opt for flexible units that adjust to different screen sizes.

Relative Units

Relative units like percentages (%), em, rem, and vw/vh allow creating a design that scales proportionally to the device's screen.

  1. Percentages (%): Used to define widths and margins relative to the size of the parent container.

    "In this example, the width of the div will be 50 percent of its parent container's size, allowing the size to adjust on different screens."
  2. Em and Rem: Used to set text sizes, margins, and paddings based on the font size of the container (em) or the root element (rem).

    "Here we use rem so that the font size of the paragraph is 1.2 times the root font size, allowing the text to scale proportionally."
  3. Viewport width and height (vw and vh): These units are based on the browser window size. 1vw is equal to 1% of the window's width, and 1vh is equal to 1% of the window's height.

    "With this rule, the height of the section will occupy 100 percent of the visible browser window height."

Viewport Meta Tag

To ensure a web page is fully responsive, it's important to include the following meta tag in the HTML file. This tells the browser how to scale and display the page on mobile devices.

"This code sets the page width to be equal to the device's width and establishes the initial zoom level at 1."

This image shows a screenshot of HTML source code with the viewport meta tag highlighted.This image shows a screenshot of HTML source code with the viewport meta tag highlighted.

Media Queries

Media queries allow applying different CSS styles based on device features, like screen width. They are the key tool for achieving responsive design.

Basic Media Query Example

Media queries allow defining different CSS rules based on screen width. Below is an example where the background color changes depending on the screen size.

"In this example, if the screen width is 768 pixels or less, the body's background will be light gray. If it's larger, the background will be white."

Common Breakpoints

A breakpoint is the point at which the design changes to better fit a new resolution. Here are some common breakpoints used in media queries:

  • 320px: Small phone screen size.
  • 768px: Tablet screen size.
  • 1024px: Desktop screen.
  • 1440px and up: Large or high-resolution screens.
"This is a typical example of using media queries with breakpoints. If the screen is 768 pixels or less, styles for tablets and phones will apply. If the screen is larger, desktop styles will apply."

Mobile-first Design

The mobile-first approach means designing first for mobile devices and then adding additional styles for larger devices. This approach is ideal because mobile phones are now the most common devices for browsing the internet.

"Here, the base styles are for mobile devices with a width of 100 percent. Then, for larger screens, like tablets or computers, we change the width to 50 percent and increase the padding."

This shows a visual example of how mobile-first design changes on mobile and desktop devicesThis shows a visual example of how mobile-first design changes on mobile and desktop devices

Responsive Images

Images also need to be responsive to adjust to different screen widths. This can be achieved using CSS properties like max-width or HTML elements like <picture> and srcset to load different images based on screen resolution.

Example with CSS

"With max-width set to 100 percent, the image will never be wider than its container, and the height will adjust automatically to maintain proportions."

Example with HTML and srcset

"Here we use srcset so that the browser loads different images depending on screen size. For larger screens, such as 1024 pixels wide, a higher resolution image will be loaded."


In this chapter, we have learned the fundamentals of responsive design, including the use of flexible units, the viewport meta tag, media queries, and creating responsive images. These techniques will help you create web pages that look good on any device. In the next chapter, we'll explore how to improve navigation on responsive sites, which is essential for usability on mobile devices.

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