Chuck's Academy

Basic CSS

Testing and Debugging CSS

Testing and debugging CSS is a crucial part of the development process. It is important to ensure that your CSS code works correctly across different browsers and devices, and to troubleshoot any visual or functional design issues as they arise. In this chapter, you will learn techniques for effectively debugging and testing your CSS.

Using the Browser's Developer Tools

Modern browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari include developer tools that allow you to inspect, debug, and test CSS directly in the browser.

Inspecting Elements

You can right-click on any element of the web page and select "Inspect" to open the developer tools and see which CSS rules are being applied to that element.

The image shows a screenshot of Chrome's inspect tool displaying the HTMLThe image shows a screenshot of Chrome's inspect tool displaying the HTML

Real-time Style Modification

Within the developer tools, you can modify CSS rules in real-time and see the results instantly. This is useful for quickly testing new styles or debugging design issues.

"In this example, we test changing the background color of a button to a shade of blue using the browser's development tools."

Debugging Common Design Issues

Issue 1: Collapsed Margins

One common issue in CSS is the collapse of margins, where the vertical margins of two adjacent elements combine instead of adding up.

"In this example, instead of having a 40-pixel space between the heading and the paragraph, the margins collapse to a total of 20 pixels."


You can avoid margin collapse by using padding instead of margin or wrapping elements in a container that applies padding.

"In this case, we use padding in a container to prevent margin collapse."

Issue 2: Z-index and Stacking

The misuse of z-index can cause overlapping issues between elements on the page.

"In this example, the higher z-index of the overlay class causes it to overlap the header, even if it was intended for the header to be on top."


Review the stacking context of the elements and adjust the z-index values to correct the stacking order. Ensure both elements have the same stacking context.

Testing Across Multiple Devices and Browsers

It is important to ensure that your CSS works correctly across different browsers and devices, as each browser can interpret CSS rules slightly differently.

Using Emulators and Testing Tools

  • Browser's developer tools: Development tools in browsers like Chrome and Firefox have options to emulate different mobile devices and screen sizes.
  • Browsershots: An online tool to get screenshots of your site in different browsers.
  • BrowserStack: A service that allows you to test websites on different devices and browser versions.

Using Browser Prefixes

Sometimes, it is necessary to add browser prefixes for certain CSS properties to work correctly across all browsers. Tools like Autoprefixer can help automate this process.

Prefix Example

"Here we add specific prefixes for Webkit and Mozilla, ensuring that the transition property works correctly across all browsers."

CSS Validation

It is good practice to validate your CSS code to ensure it does not contain errors. You can use the W3C CSS Validator to review your code and get correction suggestions.

Screenshot of the W3C CSS Validator toolScreenshot of the W3C CSS Validator tool

CSS Debugging Tools


Stylelint is a tool that helps you find style issues in your CSS code, such as duplicate rules or invalid properties.

  1. Install Stylelint:

  2. Configure Stylelint: Create a .stylelintrc file with your custom rules.

  3. Run Stylelint: Use the following command to check your CSS for errors.


Image showing how Stylelint finds errors in CSSImage showing how Stylelint finds errors in CSS

Accessibility Testing

Ensuring that your CSS is accessible to all users is fundamental. Tools like axe and WAVE can help you detect accessibility issues.

  • WAVE: A tool that lets you inspect the accessibility of your website.
  • axe: An extension that analyzes accessibility issues directly in the browser.


In this chapter, you learned how to debug and test your CSS code using browser development tools, CSS validators, and testing services on multiple devices and browsers. We also explored how to solve common design issues and ensure our CSS code is compatible with all browsers. In the next chapter, we will discuss how to maintain accessibility in CSS-designed websites.

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