Chuck's Academy

Async/Await in JavaScript

Error Handling with Try/Catch

Handling errors is a crucial part of developing robust software. In the context of Async/Await, error handling becomes simpler and more straightforward thanks to the use of try/catch blocks.

Errors in Asynchronous Code

Traditionally, handling errors in asynchronous code can be challenging, especially when using callbacks or even promises. However, Async/Await offers a clearer and more understandable syntax for handling errors.

Using try/catch

The try/catch block allows you to encapsulate code that might throw exceptions within the try block, and handle any exceptions thrown within the catch block.

Basic Example with try/catch


In this example, if the fetch call fails or the response is not successful (respuesta.ok is false), an error is thrown and caught in the catch block.

Error Handling in Nested Functions

You might need to handle errors at multiple levels of functions, especially if you have several asynchronous operations depending on each other.

Example of Error Handling in Nested Functions

Consider the following flow of asynchronous operations:


This flow handles errors at each level of the chain of asynchronous operations. If any function throws an error, it will be caught in the catch block of procesarFlujoDeDatos.

Best Practice Recommendations

  1. Precise Try/Catch Blocks: Place try/catch blocks only around code that might throw exceptions, not around the entire function, to avoid catching unwanted errors.
  2. Intentionally Throw Errors: If a specific condition is not met, intentionally throw an error to be handled.
  3. Custom Errors: Create custom errors to provide more context and details about what went wrong.


Error handling with try/catch in the context of Async/Await brings clarity and simplicity to asynchronous code. It allows you to capture and handle errors more structurally, ensuring that problems are identified and managed appropriately, thereby improving the robustness and maintainability of your code.

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