Chuck's Academy


Introduction to Docker and Containerization

Containerization has transformed the way we develop, deploy, and manage applications across different environments. Docker is a platform that allows packaging an application and its dependencies into a container, which facilitates its transport and execution on any machine that supports Docker, without the need for additional adjustments.

Docker HubDocker Hub

What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source platform that simplifies the creation, deployment, and running of applications by using containers. A container is a standard unit of software that packages code and all its dependencies so an application runs quickly and reliably in various environments.

The main reason Docker has gained so much popularity is that it ensures the application will run in the same way, regardless of whether it is on the developer's machine, a test server, or in production.

Why use Docker?

Docker offers several important benefits that make it a key tool for developers and system administrators:

  • Consistency across environments: By packaging an application with its dependencies into a container, Docker ensures the application will run the same way in any environment.
  • Isolation: Each container is isolated from the system and other containers, allowing different applications and software versions to run on the same host without conflicts.
  • Scalability and efficiency: Docker allows multiple instances of an application to be started, making it easy to scale according to demand.

Basic Principles of Docker

To understand how Docker works, it is important to know some fundamental concepts.

Docker Images

A Docker image is an immutable template that includes all elements necessary to run an application, such as the operating system, code, libraries, and dependencies. Images are built from a file called a Dockerfile that defines the instructions to create the application environment.

"Here, the Dockerfile begins with the line FROM node:14, which specifies the base Node.js version. It then defines the working directory with WORKDIR /app and copies the project files with COPY dot space dot. Finally, it installs dependencies with RUN npm install and sets the main command CMD to run the application in Node."

Images can be shared through Docker registries like Docker Hub, allowing other users to download and use these images.


A container is a running instance of an image. While an image is the "template," the container is the application itself in execution. Containers can be created, started, stopped, and destroyed without affecting the base image.

"This command runs the image named my-app in a container in the background, thanks to the d flag. It maps port three thousand of the local machine to port three thousand of the container using the parameter p three thousand colon three thousand."

Docker Hub

Docker Hub is a public repository that allows storing and sharing Docker images. Images can be downloaded directly from Docker Hub and used as a base to build our own applications.

"This command downloads the latest version of the Ubuntu image from Docker Hub. The latest option indicates that we want the most recent version available of this image."

This image shows Docker HubThis image shows Docker Hub

Docker Architecture

Docker uses a client-server architecture, where the client communicates with the Docker daemon to build, run, and manage containers. This architecture allows Docker to be extremely versatile and efficient in managing containerized applications.

Docker CLI

The Docker Command Line Interface (CLI) is the main tool for interacting with Docker. With the CLI, we can execute commands to create, run, and manage containers.

Some basic Docker commands include:

"These Docker commands allow us to build images, run containers, stop and remove containers, view available images, and list running containers."


Docker greatly facilitates application development and deployment by allowing them to run in portable and isolated containers. The ability to package an application along with all its dependencies in a container ensures that it runs consistently in any environment, from development to production.

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