Chuck's Academy

Express JS

Request and Response Management

Request and response management is one of the fundamental concepts in any web application. In Express, the interaction between the client and server is based on receiving HTTP requests and sending responses. In this chapter, we will learn how to handle these requests and responses in Express, from accessing request parameters, bodies, and headers to sending responses with different status codes and formats.

Understanding the Request

Every time a client makes a request to a server, Express creates a req (request) object that contains all the information related to that request, such as parameters, body, cookies, and headers.

Accessing Route Parameters

When a route is defined in Express, we can access the dynamic parameters that are part of the URL using req.params.

"Here, we access the dynamic parameter id from the URL in the route slash users slash colon id using req dot params dot id, and then respond by sending the user ID."

Accessing Query Parameters

Query parameters are those passed in the URL after the question mark ?. Express makes them available through req.query.

"We use req dot query dot term to access a query parameter in the URL, which is passed after the question mark."

Accessing the Request Body

To access the body of a request (usually in POST or PUT requests), we need to use the middleware express.json() or express.urlencoded() if the data is in JSON format or form format.

"Here, we use express dot json to process requests with a body in JSON format and access the data using req dot body."

Accessing Request Headers

HTTP headers provide additional information about the request. We can access headers using req.headers.

"We access HTTP headers using req dot headers, in this case obtaining the value of the User-Agent header."

Sending Responses

In Express, the res (response) object is used to send responses back to the client. We can send responses in various formats like text, JSON, and redirections.

Sending Text Responses

We can send a simple text response using res.send().

"In this example, we send a text response using res dot send with the message Hello World."

Sending JSON Responses

To send responses in JSON format, we use res.json().

"We use res dot json to send a response in JSON format, in this case with user data."

Setting HTTP Status Codes

HTTP status codes indicate the result of a request. We can set a status code using res.status().

"Here, we use res dot status to set a status code four zero four, indicating that the resource was not found."

Redirecting Requests

We can redirect clients to a new URL using res.redirect().

"We redirect the client to the Google page using res dot redirect with the target URL."

Sending Files

Express also allows sending files as a response using res.sendFile().

"We use res dot sendFile to send a file as a response. In this case, we send a file named file dot txt from the server."

Middleware for Handling Requests and Responses

Middleware in Express is a function that can intercept requests and responses in the application's lifecycle. Middlewares are commonly used to authenticate users, validate data, or log events.

Request Logging Middleware

We can create middleware to log all requests received by the application.

"This middleware logs all HTTP requests received, printing the request method and URL to the console before proceeding to the next middleware or handler."

Error Handling Middleware

To manage errors in a centralized manner, we can use error-handling middleware.

"This middleware captures and handles errors that occur in the application, returning a five hundred status code and a generic message."

Best Practices for Handling Requests and Responses

  1. Input Validation: Always validate request data before processing it to prevent errors and security vulnerabilities.
  2. Header Security: Use tools like helmet to secure HTTP headers and prevent common attacks such as clickjacking or cross-site scripting (XSS).
  3. Efficient Response Sending: Try to minimize the size of responses by using compression or sending only necessary data to improve performance.
  4. Error Handling: Implement a global error handling system to capture any problems and prevent responses with sensitive information from being sent to clients.


In this chapter, we have learned how Express handles HTTP requests and responses, from accessing request parameters and bodies to sending responses in different formats and setting status codes. This knowledge is essential for building robust and efficient web applications.

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