Chuck's Academy

Express JS

Testing Express Applications

Testing is an essential part of software development, as it helps us ensure that our application works correctly and identify bugs before they reach production. In this chapter, we will learn how to test Express applications using tools like Mocha, Chai, and Supertest. We will see how to create unit tests, integration tests, and how to automate the testing process.

Installation of Testing Tools

To perform tests on our Express application, we will use three main tools:

  • Mocha: A testing framework for Node.js that allows us to define and execute our tests.
  • Chai: An assertion library that allows us to define expectations about our application's behavior.
  • Supertest: A tool for making HTTP requests to our Express application, allowing us to test our routes and APIs.

Installing Mocha, Chai, and Supertest

First, we install the necessary tools:

"We install Mocha, Chai, and Supertest using the command npm install mocha chai supertest dash dash save dev to run tests on our Express application."

Test Structure

It is recommended to organize our tests in a separate folder, such as test/, to keep the code clean and easy to maintain. Within this folder, we can create specific test files for different parts of our application.

"We organize our tests in a test folder within the project. In this example, we create a file called users dot test dot js to test the routes related to users."

Writing Unit Tests

Unit tests focus on testing individual units of code, such as functions or methods, without worrying about how they interact with other parts of the application. In an Express application, we might write unit tests for helper functions or internal logic.

Example of a Unit Test

Suppose we have a helper function in our application that calculates the total of a purchase:


We can write a unit test for this function as follows:

"In this unit test, we use the Chai library to check that the calculateTotal function returns the correct total. We use the expect assertion to ensure that the result is equal to thirty when the price is ten and the quantity is three."

Integration Tests with Supertest

Integration tests allow us to test how different parts of our application interact. In the case of Express, we can use Supertest to test our routes and ensure that our APIs respond correctly to HTTP requests.

Example of an Integration Test

Suppose we have an API that returns a list of users:


We can write an integration test for this route using Supertest:

"In this integration test, we use Supertest to send a GET request to the slash users route and verify that the response is an array containing an object with the name John Doe. We use the done method to indicate when the test has finished."

Automating Tests with Mocha

Mocha allows us to run all tests in our application automatically. We can set up a script in our package.json file to run tests using the following command:


Now, we can run our tests simply using the command:

"We add a test script in the package dot json file so that Mocha runs all tests automatically when we execute the command npm test."

Testing Protected Routes

It is important to test routes that require authentication or special permissions. We can simulate sending authentication tokens or authorization headers using Supertest.

Example of a Protected Route Test

Suppose we have a route /admin that only allows access to users with an admin token:


We can write an integration test for this route as follows:

"In this test, we verify that the admin route returns a four hundred three status code, Forbidden, if the user does not have a valid token. We also verify that it returns a two hundred status code if the user has the correct token."

Good Practices in Testing

  1. Ensure tests run quickly: Tests should run quickly so as not to slow down the development workflow.
  2. Keep tests isolated: Each test should be independent, so that changes in one do not affect the results of others.
  3. Test both positive and negative cases: Make sure to test not only success cases but also cases where things should fail.
  4. Automate the process: Use tools like Mocha and npm scripts to automatically run tests on each commit or deployment.


In this chapter, we have learned how to test Express applications using Mocha, Chai, and Supertest. Testing is crucial to ensuring the quality and stability of our applications, and we have covered how to write both unit tests and integration tests.

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