Chuck's Academy


Data Fetching in Next.js 13 with App Router

One of the most powerful features of Next.js is its ability to efficiently fetch data. The App Router in Next.js 13 facilitates handling Data Fetching from either the server or the client. In this chapter, we will learn how to fetch data using different strategies, such as Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Static Site Generation (SSG), and Client-Side Rendering (CSR).

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with getServerSideProps

The getServerSideProps method allows fetching data on the server every time a user accesses a page. This ensures that information is always up-to-date and is useful for pages where data frequently changes.

"This example uses getServerSideProps to fetch product data from the server before rendering the page. The fetchProductData function receives the product id from the URL parameters and then displays the product details."

SSR is ideal for situations where data needs to be real-time or when data depends on the user's request.

Static Site Generation (SSG) with getStaticProps

Static Site Generation (SSG) is a method where pages are generated statically at build time, allowing for fast load times. Next.js allows the use of getStaticProps to generate these pages, and along with Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), we can regenerate static pages periodically.

"This example shows how to use getStaticProps to generate a static page for each blog post. We use the revalidate option to regenerate the pages every 10 seconds. This allows combining the benefits of static rendering with periodic data updates."

The use of SSG is recommended for pages where content doesn’t change frequently and where fast load times are essential.

Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

Client-Side Rendering (CSR) is useful for fetching dynamic data after the page has already been rendered on the client. This is achieved through API calls from the browser. CSR is especially useful for interactions that require real-time data updates, such as product search or content filters.

"This code shows a search page that uses Client-Side Rendering. Results are retrieved when the user types into the search field and are then dynamically displayed without reloading the page."

CSR is ideal for cases where the page content needs to be updated based on user interactions without reloading the page.

Hybrid Data Fetching

One of the most powerful features of Next.js is its ability to combine different data fetching strategies. You can use SSR to fetch data on the server and CSR to update those data in real-time on the client.

"This example combines Server-Side Rendering and Client-Side Rendering. Initial dashboard data is fetched on the server with getServerSideProps, and then the data is updated every 5 seconds on the client via an API call."

This hybrid approach offers a more fluid user experience by combining the best of SSR and CSR.


The App Router in Next.js 13 offers incredible flexibility for fetching and handling data. We can choose between Server-Side Rendering, Static Site Generation, Client-Side Rendering, or combine them according to the needs of our application. This allows us to optimize both performance and user experience.

In the next chapter, we will explore how to implement Authentication and Authorization in our Next.js applications using the App Router.

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