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Using Layouts in the App Router

In Next.js 13, layouts have become an essential tool for structuring our applications, providing an efficient way to reuse parts of the interface, such as headers, menus, and footers, across multiple pages. In this chapter, we will learn how to use layouts in the App Router of Next.js.

What is a Layout?

A layout is a component used to share a common structure between different pages. This is useful when you have repetitive elements that need to be displayed on multiple routes, like a navigation bar or a footer.

In Next.js 13, you can define layouts at the route level to reuse components on pages under that route. For example, all pages within the app/ folder can share a global layout, while specific pages can have their own layout.

Basic Layout Example

Let's create a global layout that includes a header and a footer. This layout will apply to all pages of our application:

"In this example, the global layout contains a header with the text 'Global Header', a 'main' container where the content of the pages is inserted, and a footer with the text 'Global Footer'. This layout will apply to all pages within the app folder."

In this example, the content of each page is injected inside the main container using the children property. This allows each individual page to define its own content while sharing the same header and footer structure.

Route-Based Layouts

In addition to having a global layout, we can also define specific layouts for certain routes. For instance, if we want all pages under /blog to share a different layout, we can do it as follows:

"This specific layout for the 'blog' route has a unique header and footer for the pages under the '/blog' route. The content of each page is injected into the main container using the children property."

In this way, all pages under the app/blog/ folder will use this specific layout, while other routes will continue using the global layout.

Nested Layouts

Next.js 13 also allows creating nested layouts, which means you can have a global layout, and within certain routes, add secondary layouts that inherit from the main layout. This is useful for applications that have several sections with different structures but share common elements.

"Here we have two layouts: a global one and another for the 'dashboard' section. The 'dashboard' layout includes a sidebar with links to different subsections, while the global layout still wraps everything."

In this example, the global layout applies to all pages, while the specific dashboard layout adds an additional sidebar only for pages within dashboard/. This modular approach allows great flexibility in organizing the user interface.

Rendering Layouts with SSR

Layouts in Next.js also work seamlessly with Server-Side Rendering (SSR), meaning they can be rendered on the server before being sent to the client. This is especially useful for elements that depend on real-time data.

We can combine getServerSideProps with layouts as follows:

"In this example, the profile layout obtains user data on the server using the getServerSideProps function, and then displays the user's name in the layout's header. This layout wraps the content of all pages under the 'profile' route."

This approach allows customizing the layout based on data dynamically obtained from the server, enhancing the user experience.


Using layouts in Next.js 13 with the App Router allows creating well-structured and easy-to-maintain applications. Layouts can be global, route-based, or even nested, offering great flexibility for organizing the user interface. Additionally, they work seamlessly with server-side rendering, allowing fetching dynamic data before rendering the page.

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