Chuck's Academy


Handling Static Files and Assets in the Page Router

In this chapter, we will learn how to handle static files and assets in a Next.js 13 application using the Page Router. Next.js provides an easy way to serve files like images, fonts, CSS files, and other static resources from the public folder, making them easily accessible and manageable.

The public Folder in Next.js

The public/ folder in Next.js is where we store all static files. These files are served directly to the client and can be accessed using routes based on their structure within the folder.

For example, if you have a logo.png file in the public/images folder, it will be accessible from the URL /images/logo.png.

Static File Example

Suppose we have an image named logo.png in the public/images folder. We can access this image directly from the browser using:

And we can use it within our components as follows:

"This example shows how to access an image file stored in the public folder using the Next.js Image component. The logo.png file is loaded and displayed on the home page."

This approach allows easy access to static files without the need for additional configurations.

Serving Custom CSS and JavaScript Files

In addition to images, we can store CSS and JavaScript files in the public folder to be used throughout the application. To include a CSS or JavaScript file, simply link it in your layout or page file.

Including a CSS File

If we have a CSS file in public/styles/global.css, we can include it in our pages using the <link> tag in the _document.js file or directly in the pages.

"This code includes a global CSS file located in the public/styles folder. The file loads on all the application pages."

Including External JavaScript Files

Similarly, we can link external JavaScript files to be available on our pages. For example, if you have a custom script file scripts/main.js in the public folder, you can include it like this:

"In this example, we are loading a custom JavaScript file located in the public/scripts folder. This script runs on every page of the application."

This is useful for adding custom functionalities to your application without having to depend on third-party libraries.

Managing Custom Fonts

If you need to use custom fonts in your application, you can store them in the public folder and use them in your CSS files or directly in your components.

Custom Font Example

If you have a font named MyFont.ttf in the public/fonts folder, you can include it in your CSS file as follows:

"This example shows how to include a custom font stored in the public/fonts folder and apply it to the page body via a CSS file."

In this way, you can customize the typography of your application without relying on external fonts.

Downloadable Files

If you want users to download files like PDFs or documents from your application, you can place these files in the public folder and link them directly.

Downloadable File Example

"This example shows how to offer a downloadable PDF file to users using a link that points to a file stored in the public/files folder."

Files stored in the public folder can be downloaded directly without additional configurations.

Best Practices for Handling Static Files

It's important to follow some best practices when handling static files and resources in a Next.js application to optimize performance:

  1. Optimize images: Use the Next.js Image component to take advantage of automatic image optimization.

  2. Minimize CSS and JavaScript files: Whenever possible, minify and compress your CSS and JavaScript files to improve load times.

  3. Avoid unnecessary static files: Do not store large or unnecessary files in the public folder. This can increase your application's bundle size and affect performance.

  4. Use relative paths: Always use relative paths when linking files within the public folder to ensure that files are accessible across all routes.


Handling static files and assets in Next.js 13 with the Page Router is very straightforward thanks to the public folder. From images to CSS files, JavaScript, and custom fonts, Next.js provides a clear and efficient structure to manage these resources. By following best practices, we can ensure that our application is fast and efficient when handling static files.

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