Chuck's Academy

Intermediate JavaScript

Classes and Object-Oriented Programming in Depth

JavaScript allows working with classes to implement the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. In this chapter, we will delve into the use of classes, properties, methods, and design patterns in JavaScript.

concepts in OOPconcepts in OOP

Classes in JavaScript

Classes in JavaScript are a clearer way to define objects and methods. The keyword class allows us to define a class structure, and the constructor method initializes its properties.

"Here, we define a 'Person' class with 'name' and 'age' properties, and a 'greet' method that introduces the object."

Static Methods

Static methods belong to the class itself, not to its instances, and are defined with the static keyword.

"In this example, 'add' is a static method of 'MathUtil' and is called directly from the class, without instancing it."

Private Properties and Methods

In JavaScript, properties and methods can be declared private using the # prefix, limiting access only within the class.

"Here, 'balance' is a private property, accessible only within 'BankAccount'. It cannot be modified directly from outside the class."

Class Inheritance

Inheritance allows a class to extend another, reusing properties and methods. The extends keyword creates a child class based on a parent class.

"In this example, 'Employee' inherits from 'Person', adding the 'role' property and a 'work' method specific to 'Employee'."

Method Overloading

JavaScript allows redefining methods in a child class, overriding the method implementation in the parent class.

"Here, 'Dog' overrides the 'speak' method of 'Animal' to emit 'Bark' instead of the generic sound."


Polymorphism allows treating different objects that share a common method similarly, allowing each object to execute its own version of the method.

"In this case, we treat 'Dog' and 'Cat' as 'Animal', but each executes its own implementation of the 'speak' method."

Design Patterns in Classes


The Singleton pattern ensures that only one instance of a class exists.

"Here, 'Database' implements the Singleton pattern, ensuring that 'db1' and 'db2' are the same instance."


The Factory pattern provides a way to create instances of classes without specifying the exact class to create.

"In this example, 'CarFactory' creates instances of 'Car' without exposing the creation process."


Classes and object-oriented programming in JavaScript allow for a clearer and more organized code structure, facilitating the reuse and implementation of advanced patterns. With private properties, inheritance, and design patterns, you can build robust and scalable applications.

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