Chuck's Academy

Intermediate React

Error Handling in Components with Error Boundaries

In React applications, error handling is crucial to prevent failures in individual components from impacting the user's overall experience. In this chapter, we will learn how to use Error Boundaries to capture and handle errors in React components, ensuring a smooth user experience even when unexpected errors occur.

What are Error Boundaries?

Error Boundaries are components that act as "error boundaries" in the application. They allow capturing JavaScript errors in the lifecycle of child components, without affecting other components or the main application tree. Error Boundaries are useful for handling exceptions in specific components and displaying an alternative interface or custom error messages.

Creating a Basic Error Boundary

To create an Error Boundary, define a class component that implements the componentDidCatch method and the getDerivedStateFromError method. This component captures errors and can update its state to display an alternative interface in case of failures.

Example of an Error Boundary

"In this example, the ErrorBoundary component implements getDerivedStateFromError and componentDidCatch. If an error occurs in a child component, ErrorBoundary updates its state to display an alternative message, preventing the error from spreading to other components."

Using an Error Boundary in the Application

To use an Error Boundary, wrap the components you want to protect:

"Here, the MainComponent is wrapped in ErrorBoundary. If an error occurs in MainComponent, the ErrorBoundary message will be displayed instead of allowing the error to affect the entire application."

Enhancing User Experience with Custom Error Messages

Error Boundaries allow displaying custom error messages to enhance the user experience. This is especially useful for applications that require clear communication in case of failure.

Example of Error Boundary with Custom Message

We can modify the Error Boundary to display a dynamic error message or even action buttons for the user to attempt to recover functionality:

"This example shows a custom ErrorBoundary with a retry button. If an error occurs in a child component, the user can attempt to reload the functionality by clicking the Retry button."

Custom ErrorBoundaryCustom ErrorBoundary

Error Boundaries and Asynchronous Errors

Error Boundaries only capture JavaScript errors in the component lifecycle and rendering. They do not capture asynchronous errors in promises or async/await functions. To handle asynchronous errors, you can implement custom error handlers or use try/catch in asynchronous methods.

Example of Handling Asynchronous Errors

If a component uses asynchronous functions to fetch data, it is recommended to wrap the logic in try/catch blocks:

"In this example, we use a try/catch block inside a component that makes an asynchronous request. If an error occurs, an error message is set in the state and displayed to the user."

Best Practices for Using Error Boundaries

  • Use Error Boundaries in Critical Components: Apply Error Boundaries in key components or those more likely to generate errors, such as data visualization components.
  • Provide Recovery Options: Offer options like retry buttons or redirects to enhance the user experience in case of an error.
  • Log Errors: When using componentDidCatch, log the errors to a monitoring system for tracking and improvement.


Error Boundaries in React are essential for capturing and handling errors efficiently, maintaining application stability. In this chapter, we explored how to implement Error Boundaries and handle asynchronous errors to create more robust applications.

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