Chuck's Academy

Basic React

Introduction to Class Components

Although functional components and hooks are the recommended way to work in React in the latest versions, class components are still important to understand React's legacy, and they can still be found in many existing applications and libraries.

In this chapter, we will learn what class components are, how they work, and how to manage state and lifecycle within them. Even though their usage has decreased in favor of hooks, knowing class components is useful for working on older projects or to better understand the evolution of React.

This image shows lifecycle methods in ReactThis image shows lifecycle methods in React

What is a Class Component?

A class component is a way to define components in React using ES6 class syntax. These components can have their own internal state and handle React's lifecycle through special methods.

Basic Example of a Class Component

Here is a simple example of a class component that displays a greeting message:

"In this example, we define a class component called Greeting. It extends from React.Component and implements a render method, which returns the JSX to be displayed. The prop name is passed and accessed using"

In this example, the Greeting component extends from React.Component and must implement a render method, which is responsible for returning the JSX that is displayed on the screen.

State in Class Components

Unlike functional components, which use the useState hook to manage state, class components use a property called state. The state is initialized within the class constructor and updated using the setState method.

Example of State in a Class Component

"In this example, we create a class component Counter. It initializes the state count in the constructor, and the increment method updates the state using this.setState. The state is accessed using this.state.count."

In this example, the Counter component initializes the count state in the constructor and updates it using setState. The setState method is responsible for re-rendering the component when the state changes.

Lifecycle of Class Components

Class components have several lifecycle methods that allow performing actions at specific points during the component's life, such as when it mounts, updates, or unmounts.

Common Lifecycle Methods

  • componentDidMount: Executes after the component has mounted in the DOM. Useful for operations like API requests.

  • componentDidUpdate: Executes after the component has updated due to changes in props or state.

  • componentWillUnmount: Executes right before the component unmounts and is removed from the DOM. Useful for cleaning up resources like timers or subscriptions.

Lifecycle Example

"In this example, we create the Timer component that increments the state time every second using setInterval. The componentDidMount method starts the timer and the componentWillUnmount method stops the timer by clearing the interval when the component is removed from the DOM."

In this example, the Timer component starts a timer when it mounts in the DOM and stops it when it unmounts. Additionally, componentDidUpdate logs a message to the console every time the time state updates.

Differences between Class and Functional Components

With the introduction of hooks in React 16.8, functional components can now handle state and effects similarly to class components. However, there are some key differences:

  • Syntax: Class components require more boilerplate (such as the constructor and lifecycle methods), whereas functional components with hooks are more concise.
  • Use of Hooks: Hooks offer a more direct and flexible way to manage state and effects in functional components.
  • Legacy: Although functional components are more common in modern development, it's important to understand class components due to their presence in older applications and libraries.

Comparison chart of Functional Components and Class ComponentsComparison chart of Functional Components and Class Components


Class components have been fundamental in React development before the introduction of hooks, and they are still relevant in many existing applications. While functional components and hooks are now the standard, understanding class components is valuable for maintaining and updating older applications.

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