Chuck's Academy

Basic React

Forms and Input Handling in React

Forms are an essential part of many web applications, as they allow users to submit data and interact. In React, handling forms can seem different from traditional HTML, but it offers more precise control over input values and behavior.

In this chapter, we will learn how to handle controlled and uncontrolled forms, basic input validation, and how to submit form data in React.

Controlled Forms

In React, a form is called "controlled" when the input state is managed by the React component. This means that every time a user interacts with the form, the input value is updated in the component's state.

Controlled Form Example

Here is an example of a controlled form where the text input value is updated as the user types:

"In this code, we define a controlled form where the input value is controlled by the state name. The handleChange function updates the state every time a user types, and the handleSubmit function alerts the submitted name when the form is submitted."

In this example, the value of the text field is managed by the component's state. Each time the user types, the state is updated with the new value, allowing full control over the input value.

Multiple Inputs in a Controlled Form

If you have multiple fields in a form, you can manage all values within a single state using an object:

"In this code, we handle multiple inputs using a single state object called formData. The handleChange function updates the correct field in the state using the input's name attribute."

In this example, multiple inputs are managed within a single formData object, making it more efficient to handle complex forms.

Uncontrolled Forms

In contrast to controlled forms, an uncontrolled form does not store the input value in the React state. Instead, the value is accessed directly from the DOM using a reference (ref).

Uncontrolled Form Example

Here is an example of an uncontrolled form in React:

"In this example, we use a ref to access the input field value when the form is submitted. The input value is not controlled by React state but is accessed directly from the DOM."

In this example, the input value is accessed directly from the DOM using a reference (ref). While this approach can be useful in some cases, controlled forms are generally preferred in React for offering greater control over the data.

Form Validation

Validating form data is crucial to ensure that the user has entered correct information. In React, you can handle validation directly within the form handler.

Form Validation Example

Here is a basic example of validating an email field in a form:

"In this example, we validate the email field by checking if it contains '@'. If it does not, an error message is displayed below the input field."

In this example, the email field is validated to check if it contains an @ character. If it is not valid, an error message is displayed below the input.


Handling forms and inputs in React is an important part of developing interactive applications. By learning how to handle controlled and uncontrolled forms and data validation, you can build more robust and reactive forms.

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